Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Education: Lowering Disorder in the System

The previous post discussed Improving the Odds: Raising the Class, a book that identified two components of the education system that need to be addressed for long-term improvement of the education system. The first issue that must be addressed is to improve the education process that occurs in the classroom. The lessons delivered to students must be improved. The second issue is to control disorder or entropy that disrupts the delivery of the lessons.

These two factors are the primary focal points that must be addressed to obtain systematic change. If America is truly serious about improving education, then improving the product delivered by education has to be a priority. The current system cannot and will not improve because it has no way to effectively insure either better lessons or the conditions that lead to better learning. Until the system learns to deal with these issues effectively, make sure that your kids have a good teacher; it is the only barrier between your child and mediocrity.

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