Saturday, March 19, 2011

Who will want to go into teaching?

In Wisconsin, the legislature has sent a message to the teachers of the state. We don't care.

Unfortunately, teachers are quite used to seeing the "we don't care" message coming from students, parents, and even administrators. Usually, teachers don't complain about their lot in life. They tend to be rule followers who know that they set an example for behavior. It was somewhat surprising to see the teachers protesting so aggressively in Madison to protest Governor Scott Walker's attempt to kill the education union. What put them over the edge?

Perhaps it was the fact that teachers in Wisconsin average $50,000 per year. A single income household with a teacher in charge would be $18,000 below the national average for a household. The Wisconsin legislature wants teachers to contribute more to their health care and pension costs. This will cut the amount they take home even more. Perhaps the Wisconsin teachers will be eligible for public assistance. If the average salary for teachers is $50,000, the salary for beginning teachers must be near the poverty level.

People in college who consider teaching for a career may not think about it very long. Why should they? Why would you go into a profession that may not allow one to live a decent lifestyle? Does the public expect teachers to live single in boarding houses? If so, who will want to become a teacher?

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