Friday, July 24, 2009

Obama - "Race to the Top?"

Today President Obama announced that he would allow $4 billion in federal grant money to head toward public schools. It's called the "Race to the Top."

This is interesting. The President has put together a competitive grant program. If truly competitive, the people who are most competent in education would get the money. The need for change is mostly in areas where poverty and education seem to be intrinsically tied.

The White House press release said, "And we're counting on the fact that, ultimately, this is an incentive, this is a challenge for people who do want to change," Obama said. Hopefully, he will spell out who the "people" are that "do" want to change. One thing can be assured: People will apply for the $4 bn in funding. People will spend the $4 bn in funding, and taxpayers will be responsible for paying back $4 bn in funds.

Perhaps some perspective is in order here. Obama is on a spending spree in the White House. When people go on sprees, they tend to lose sight of the obvious and get caught in the moment. For example, when Paris Hilton was going out at night and "partying" with many people every night (it seemed), she loses the perspective on her actions. It seems normal. The fact is, most people do not behave this way. She recently claimed that she wasn't a "slut" and she wasn't "stupid." However, her actions seem to contradict her words. President Obama is throwing around a lot of money at problems. He's partying with the public's money. That's his job, but at some point, he will have to defend his actions. That money has to be paid back and it should be directed in the best way possible. Luckily President Obama will not have to defend his behavior like Paris Hilton does, but wanton spending will make people question his judgment.

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