Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thank you Bill Gates

Back in 2005, Bill Gates III gave a speech to American governors and he told them that the education system in cannot work. For Gates, it was a prelude to tackling the problem of American education through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. For me, it was a challenge to find why public (actually most) education is the way it is. The result will be published in October 2009 and is called: Improving the Odds: A basis for long-term change (Rowman and Littlefield). The book shows that until structural elements in education are changed, American education will continue to fail.

Bush and No Child Left Behind will fail. Obama's education plan that is headed by Department of Education secretary, Arne Duncan, will fail. He said he looked to four agendas to improve education: better information to track students; higher standards and better assessment; turning around troubled schools; and improving the quality of the workforce.

That all sounds good, but he sort of missed improving the quality of the lessons that students receive.... That's where the learning takes place.

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