Saturday, August 15, 2009

Brilliance and then ....

It is nearly the time for school to start. As a classroom teacher (well, I teach in an independent study program), the last days of summer leave me longing. Today, I'm looking at studies that discuss neurobiology. The brain is such a fascinating subject. Researchers are finally making progress toward understanding how the brain develops in the embryo. The results are exciting. The studies are being done using molecular studies of the brain and by directly viewing the brain in real-time studies. While all this is being done to help medical science, it is rather disheartening to think of the level of most education research.

What exactly should education research do? One would hope that it would help teachers and administrators improve the process of education. For those who believe the current system actually accomplishes this, I suggest you read Improving the Odds: A basis for long-term change by Rodney Larson. What the education system needs to do is to figure out the best ways to present lessons to maximize teaching. It isn't being done. So, while the academic world is being brightened by work that explores the core of humanity, education comes back into session.

How much is education actually respected. Well, I notice that Tony Danza is considering a reality show in Philadelphia. That's nice. The City of Brotherly Love will have Michael Vick helping to run the team and Tony Danza in the classroom. That's a lot of reality, but it isn't very inspirational. How about a reality show with Rafe Esquith, a fifth grade teacher in Los Angeles. If you don't know who Mr. Esquith is, that is a shame. Watch The Hobart Shakespearians if you want to see something inspirational.

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