Thursday, September 17, 2009

Harry Potter should fix education...

Today the news came that Orlando will soon be the home of the Harry Potter theme park. After arriving at the airport, your first test of wizardry skill will be to see if you can avoid the toll road that is specifically design to remove cash from a tourist's wallet. It will be located at the Universal Theme park and be called The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

Visitors to the venue can explore Hogsmeade Station/Hogwartz Express, The Owlery, The Owl Post, and you'll be able to see magic performed as your wallet gets progressively lighter. You'll be able to head to Hogwarts Castle and Professor Snape will be there to put you in detention if you get our of line. There will be several rides planned that will allow one to get the feeling of being swept about in the warmth of the humid Florida climate. Most of you wonder if you'll get to ride on a broom? Let me tell you something: Sitting on a round stick that supports your weight is used as a torture technique in several places. Besides, think about this; even if there were flying brooms, would you want to re-use one after the last pair of sweaty cheeks in Orlando got off it?

Okay, I know after that appetizing thought, food will be out. It will be interesting to see people take to seeing Harry Potter in the flesh. Anyone who wanted to could have seen Daniel Radcliff's flesh in Equus. What a learning experience it must have been for the young who wanted to see Harry live. Speaking of learning experiences, this blog is supposed to cover education, not advertise for J.K. Rowling's expanding bankroll. Talk about magic!

The Harry Potter series has done a great deal to help get kids to read. Our current wizard is more like the man from Oz-bama than Dumbledore. The great wizard Ozbama is sitting behind the screen making proclamations about the greatness of his new health care plan. People claim that it will cost taxpayers over $800 billion over 10 years. The Ozbama can make that kind of money disappear faster than the Treasury can sell notes to China.

Meanwhile, in the back of his mind, Ozbama has ideas to promote education in the United States. Unfortunately, I believe that Harry Potter would have more success waving a wand and shouting "learnalot earnalot" than anything Ozbama has suggested thus far. Thus far, Ozbama has been more adept at saying "spendalot lendalot." We're all sort of hoping these spells do not backfire. I suppose we should all have faith.

The mighty wizard, Arne Dunbledore leads the Ozbama education campaign and we may see the whole Ozbama crew posing at the Wizarding World Theme Park in Orlando. We all know how much Ozbama likes a camera, and frankly, the camera likes him too. Hopefully Ozbama and Arne Dumbledore can make their way to Florida. Maybe they'll find some magic in the place; let's hope so because there is no magic in the Ozbama education policy.

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