Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Health package doesn't taste good when crammed down throat

As President Obama made the Sunday talk show circuit last week, he spoke about health care in the United States. He said that it a huge problem and that health care costs were out of control. He said that something had to be done to change health care.

That is true. Something should be done to address the problem of health care in the United States.

Let's start with the problems. First, there is the cost issue: Rising health care costs are outpacing inflation; and second, is the issue of the uninsured. People that do not have health care coverage in the United States.

Let's start with the first issue. Why have health care costs outpaced inflation? How much of the problem is caused by legislation?

One of the things one must keep in mind is that medical coverage may be a right, but it is also a service that costs money. Whether one likes to hear it or not, the price of health care has far surpassed the benefit that is gained by the consumer. Though health care providers can provide more service than at any time, we have not seen marked increases in longevity in the American population.

The most expensive care in the world is not necessarily the best. The government has had a large role in running up health care costs. It needs to have a role in removing excessive burdens to taxpayers. However, the people have to be have proper incentives to use the health system in a responsible manner. We shouldn't all pay for other people's idiocy. There have to be incentives that reward people for taking care of themselves in terms of lower costs.

President Obama's health care plans aren't evil. The problem is that they don't really cut the fat from the system. We all know that what is being proposed will cost more. The whole point of the reform effort is to get a system that costs less.

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